The beginning of the journey...
The story of Qlab University dates back to 2015. We began by offering solutions for outsourced and remote teams in various countries, primarily focusing on the HR and logistics sectors. Our services encompassed onboarding, multicultural training, customer service, and quality assurance processes. Over time, we have developed extensive expertise in leadership, sales, performance coaching, training design, facilitation, and business English. With years of learning and development experience under our belt, we understand that there are no one-size-fits-all solutions. That's why we ensure that every service we provide can be tailored to meet your specific needs.
Our expertise
Educational programs
for companies with outsourced teams (and remote teams) on intercultural communication.
Especially in areas: Eastern and Western Europe, the USA, Latin America, Africa, Turkey, and Kazakhstan.
Customized package solutions for the company's employees onboarding (eLearning and Blended format).
Strategic sessions
Strategic sessions facilitation (online and offline).
Leadership programs
programs (beginners and middle level) on leadership, team building, effective communication, feedback giving, performance coaching.
Quality assurance
Package solutions for the QA process (standards and criteria development, evaluation processes and feedback, education on customer service, mentoring, performance coaching).
Package solutions for OKR implementation.
Customized solutions for e-Courses creation and KMS, as well as ready made courses that can be customized.
Language courses
English and Spanish for business, written communication, pronunciation trainings, American accent trainings.
Sales trainings
Sales training for different levels of sales reps, including onboarding.
Implementation of L&D functions
Customized package solutions for L&D function implementation (classic L&D function, internal L&D function based on inner expertise).
Educational programs for L&Ds
Educational programs for L&Ds from entry-level to the level of a specialist/middle.
We can outsource your L&D function.
Here are some of the organizations with whom Qlab has successfully partnered
Success stories
Our courses
Our carefully designed courses are built not only to deliver information, but also to contribute to the success of each participant. With a practical focus, our e-courses pave the way for seamless adaptation to a variety of professional environments. Join us on a journey where learning goes beyond and experience knows no bounds. Enhance your skills, thrive in your career - experience the true power of knowledge with our innovative e-learning solutions.
These underlying principles can serve as a lifelong learning driving force.
Have questions?
Feel free to ask them to us. Click on the contact button and ask your questions. We are ready for new cooperation.
Welcome to our E-Learning Hub, where knowledge meets transformation.
16, Lypkivskoho Vasyla Mytropolyta St.,
Kyiv, 03035, Ukraine